Latin Bridge ini merupakan jambatan tertua di Sarajevo dan telah dibina sekitar tahun 1541 oleh Hussein Sirmerd. Jambatan kayu ini dibina semula menggunakan batu pada tahun 1565 oleh Ali Ajni-Beg. Pada 15 November 1791 jambatan ini rosak teruk setelah Sarajevo dilanda banjir besar. Kerja baik pulih telah dibuat oleh seorang saudagar kaya bernama Abdullah-aga Briga dan siap pada tahun 1799. Latin Bridge mempunyai empat “arches” dan tiga tiang kukuh yang dibuat dari batu. Jambatan ini menjadi lambang kebanggaan warga Sarajevo. Semasa era Sarajevo diperintah oleh Yugoslavia jambatan ini dinamakan sebagai Princips Bridge. Ikut nama pelampau Serb yang membunuh Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Semasa perbicaraan di mahkamah pada 12 Oktober 1914, Gavrilo Princip telah menjelaskan peristiwa tersebut seperti catatan berikut:
Prosecution: Did you know that there was a Muslim?
Accused: I knew, but he didn't tell me. I saw him one evening. On the day of the assassination I wanted to find someone who would not be conspicuous, and I found the son of the prosecutor, Svara, and one Spiric. First I walked with Spiric. Then we invited Svara and we walked and talked about ordinary things. At first we were in the park and I wanted to stay there, but they wanted to go to the Korso (a promenade). I didn't want to stay there because I had to go to my place. So I returned there and I walked on the quay and I was at my assigned place. The automobile arrived and I heard the blast of a bomb. I knew that that was one of ours, but I didn't know which one. The mob started to run, and I ran a little too and the automobile stopped. I thought that it was over and I saw that they had Cabrinovic. I thought that I would kill him so that no one would know anything further, and then kill myself, too. I abandoned that idea, because I saw that the automobiles passed by. Up to then I had not seen the Archduke. I went to the Latin Bridge and then I heard that the assassination had not succeeded. Then I took thought as to where to stand, because I knew where he would pass from having read it in the Bosanska Posta (Bosnian Post) and the Tagblatt. Then I saw that a lady was sitting with him, but because they passed so fast I did not know whether she was sitting. Then I stood and one Pusar came up to me and touched my bumcheeks and said, "Do you see how dumb they are?" I was silent. He called me aside and because I thought he was a spy I thought that he wanted to get something out of me. A relative of his is a spy, so I thought that he was too. I don't know whether or not he was near me, but then the automobile came and I took out the revolver and I shot at Ferdinand twice from the distance of four or five paces.
Sarajevo dalam kenangan ...........satu kota yang rencam sifatnya dan menjadi rebutan sepanjang zaman. Aku akan datang lagi menjengukmu Sarajevo ....... tunggu.....!!!!!